
Mi Wi-Fi Range Extender AC1200

 Mi Wi-Fi Range Extender AC1200

  • Dual-band 2.4 / 5 GHz Connection
  • Speeds of Up to 1200 Mbps
  • Lightweight and Portable
  • Up to 16 Devices
  • Smart App Interface

Xiaomi Mi Wifi Repeater – Benefits

Check out the benefits of using a Xiaomi WiFi Repeater in this section. When you purchase a tech product, you need to understand what benefits you’ll receive from investing in it. With the Xiaomi WiFi Repeater (both models), it’ll improve your home/office internet connection, check out how,

Extend WiFi Range

As their names suggest, one of the main benefits of having a Xiaomi WiFi Repeater like the WiFi Range Extender Pro or the WiFi Extender AC1200 is the powerful signal boost it gives to your WiFi, 

If you experience poor connectivity when you’re away from your router like when you are on your balcony, terrace, or even if you’re just in the bathroom, then the Xiaomi WiFi Repeater fixes this by boosting the signal and covering a much larger area than your default router.

Homes that span multiple floors will benefit greatly from an extended WiFI range to get a good connection throughout the entire house. No more having to walk around looking for a signal – with a Xiaomi WiFi Range Extender, you’ll have a signal everywhere in your home or office.

Note :

" Mi Wi-Fi Range Extender AC1200"

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